Building Guides

Guides can be built in the DeepConverse dashboard similar to how a step by step decision tree would be built. Guides over significant advantages over decision trees.

The allow use of AI and ability to have business rules, API callouts and decision making functionality to lead users to a resolution.

To build a Guide flow navigate to Guides app on the dashboard

From here you can now click on Create to give the Guide a name and meaningful description. The name and description should as descriptive as possible for the AI to be able to show guides in search or when embedded in the chatbot.

Guides comprise of a collection of Guide Step blocks. Each of the block has the content and question to ask the customer along with possible answers that the customer can select.

You can now drag the nodes and build a guide flow.

Here is more information on how to use guides.

Guide Step (Guide Flow)Guide (Chatbot)Embedding Guides in Chatbots

Last updated