Live Agent Handover

Handoff to Salesforce support agents using Live Agent Rest API

The Live Agent Handover block allows you to handoff customers to a Salesforce Live Agent. In addition to the handover you can associate cases and contacts. You also have the ability to prefill fields on the LiveChatTranscript object.

By default the following are the required fields which can either be populated directly or with parameters.

  1. Live Agent Url

  2. Salesforce Organization Id

  3. Deployment Id

  4. Button Id

Optional fields include the following:


Case Id

The Salesforce Case object to associate with the transcript. This should be created prior to handoff if the association is needed

Contact Id

The Salesforce Contact object to associate with the transcript. This should be created prior to handoff if the association is needed

Custom Fields

These are key value pairs to be set on the LiveChatTranscript object. These can be either the default Salesforce fields or any custom fields added into the object.

On the completion of the chat the flow would move forward to the next node. Completion can happen with the following scenarios:

  1. Chat ended by agent

  2. Chat ended by user

  3. Disconnect from user (Abandonment leading to ending of chat after a timeout)

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