Assign Parameters in Conversations
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The chatbot conversation can remember certain parameters that are set in the conversation. These can be set at various points to help make decisions at future points in the conversation. A classic example is setting parameter based on users selection.
For ex. if a user is asked a question "Please select the reason for contacting us today" and presented with options "Sales" and "Support", we can store their selection in a parameter for use in the rest of the conversation.
Open the conversation flow and navigate to the node where you would like to set a parameter.
Click on the node and open the right panel
In the right panel scroll down to Additional Settings and click Edit next to Assign Parameters
In the popup you will be able to add parameters and save them at this node.
If a captured or declared parameter holds sensitive data such as an API Key, email etc. you should declare it under Sensitive Parameters to ensure it is scrubbed from the transcript.
Optionally the parameter can be declared as Encrypted
Note: Parameters are assigned after the node has been evaluated and are available for use from the subsequent steps
Fixed parameter values can be used to set parameters for routing the conversation or using some conversation state available from the platform.
Allows you to store the transcript of the conversation till this point into the parameter
Allows you to capture the user selection in case of a Question node into a parameter
Allows copying the nested parameter value from the conversation context. This is useful for api calls where the response might be a nested JSON.
<Any Text Value>
Saves the text value in the parameter and is available in the conversation till unset
Expressions allow to transform data and store the result in a parameter. The expressions are useful if you are looking to do operations such as math operations, string manipulation and certain built in functions that are provided through the platform.
Here is a list of operators that you use with the conversation parameters
add two things. x + y
1 + 1
-> 2
string concatenation firstName
+ ' ' + lastName
-> dhruv arya
subtract two things x - y
100 - 1
-> 99
divide one thing by another x / y
-> 10
multiple one thing by another x * y
10 * 10
-> 100
'to the power of' x**y
2 ** 10
-> 1024
modulus. (remainder) x % y
15 % 4
-> 3
equals x == y
15 == 4
-> False
Less than. x < y
1 < 4
-> True
Greater than. x > y
1 > 4
-> False
Less than or Equal to. x <= y
1 < 4
-> True
Greater or Equal to x >= 21
1 >= 4
-> False
is something contained within something else. "spam" in "my breakfast"
-> False
Utility Functions
In addition to the operators you can also use certain prebuilt utility functions.
Generate the md5 hash of the parameter
Convert parameter to a integer type
Convert parameter to string type
Sort the list of values in ascending order
Reverse the list of values
Sort the list of values
Substitute part of a string ex. SUBSTITUTE(param1, '-', '_')
REGEX_EXTRACT(param1, <pattern>)
SPLIT_PART(param1, ' ', 1) example: SPLIT_PART('Dhruv Arya', ' ', 1) will be equal to "Arya"
CURRENT_DATE_BETWEEN(start_date_or_timestamp, end_date_or_timestamp)
You can unset a parameter by choosing the Unset option and giving the parameter name or path you would like to unset.
You can use path notation as well ex. a.b.c
Parameters can be used in our templating language by referring to them as follows:
Action parameters are special purpose parameters that allow you to define actions to take during the flow execution. These are fixed value parameters with value serving as a property of the parameter.
You can set this like the image below:
Value Type
Number of Seconds to delay, maximum delay of 15 seconds is allowed
Allows you to delay going to the next node
FORMAT_DATE(param1, <date_format>) For referencing date format please visit