Chatbot Analytics

The analytics page for a chatbot provides insights into how the chatbot is performing. It also includes details around the answers being used, resolutions, guides and feedback being given from customers. We walk through the different analytics sections.

The overview tab gives a high level picture of your chatbot performance it includes the following metrics.



Number of chat conversations that were started

Self Service Rate

(Number of conversations without agent handover / Total number of conversations) x 100

Confirmed Resolutions

Number of conversations with confirmed helpful feedback and no handoff to agents


Number of conversations where an answer was presented to inform the customer

Agent Handovers

Number of conversations with request to speak with an agent or escalation

Time in widget

Time spent by the customer in chat (in seconds)

Conversation Count over Time

Visualization showing:

X axis - shows date of conversation

Y axis - Number of conversations

Top Level Metrics over time

Combined visualization showing: X axis - shows date of conversation Y axis - Conversations - Agent Handoffs - Resolved Conversations - Successful Conversations - Self Service Rate

Chat Widget


Locale Breakdown

Visualization showing the top locales

Device Breakdown

Visualization showing the devices used to interact with the widget

Browser Breakdown

Visualization showing the browser used to interact with the widget


Top flows being used in chat conversations


In order to drill down further you have the following filters available:


Date Range

Select the time period for which you would like to view the analytics. (Defaults to last week)

Conversation Action

See analytics based on the specific action in the analytics


You can track custom dimensions such as product, utm params etc. and filter analytics to drill deeper.


You can change the timezone from the top right dropdown.


You can use the right most Export button to export the current view as a PNG or PDF to share.

Last updated